From the first time I watched a scene of Twistys network I was amazed of the quality this porn network provides in terms of not just the video quality, but also in terms of hot girls that are appearing in their videos. This is one of the best porn pay sites for quality of girls, so every time after that when I run into their xxx videos, I had to check them because I knew I can expect something great to see. After several videos I’ve seen from them on one large network I decided to explore even more. To be honest, for
After several videos I’ve seen from them on one large network I decided to explore even more. To be honest, for first couple of months I was so much impressed with entire content that I completely forgot to check back other networks. That’s how strong impression had on me. It’s one of the few networks you have to join if you are a fan of porn. By clicking on their webpage you first have to confirm you are over 18 years old which is okay because you can enter this network without knowing their content.
Even there you can see some of the most beautiful girls that are showing in Twistys’s scenes such as Nicole Aniston (Twistys Treat Of The Year 2014), Mia Malkova (T.T.o.t.Y. 2013), Taylor Vixen (T.T.o.t.Y. 2012), and Emily Adison (T.T.o.t.Y. 2011). Twistys porn network consists of several regular and bonus porn sites.
Everything is so well designed and organized that it’s truly a pleasure to navigate through it.
Design and Features
What are you going to get with joining Twistys? You will get exclusive access to several different bonus porn sites like When Girls Play and you’ll be able to watch every sex and each photo gallery. Twistys Porn presents a list of beautiful models in porn movies, with an unlimited download option. You can choose between four different memberships. I always prefer to start with 1-month and then upgrade to 3-months or more for porn networks that deserve that. Twistys is definitely one of them.Pros
Twistys have a lot of pros to be named. I will start with some basic content numbers. On this adult network you can find over 46000 porn scenes, 3700 girls, 1.6 million photos – most of that in 1080p HD. What can also be important is that here you can count on 2 to 3 updates every day, most of us are buying membership because of that. I told you earlier what are some of the girls that were most popular in past years but it’s really hard to choose top 5 or top 10 between more than 3700 girls that can be found here.
Every girl here deserves to be seen. You won’t see only girls that are in the business for a while and are world famous, but also some of the hottest amateur girls. Pictures can be viewed online using their thumbnail gallery but also can be downloaded as a zip file. Quality of pictures is amazing, with 1600×1066 dimensions. Porn videos can be download in multiple formats, starting with MP4, WMV and many more frequently used programs. Homepage is one of the best I’ve seen in porn industry. What I have to mention is “upcoming” section which gives you insight of what is going to be published shortly. This is not something we are used to see on porn networks so I hope that others will use this idea and implement it on their networks.
Treats section started with work in 2006 and you can see the entire list of girls that were named treat of the month. On the beginning of each month you can see which girl will be promoted for the following month. Currently there are 105 treat girls. You maybe think that all of the porn networks are pretty much the same. I thought that too, until I saw Twistys network. They really have some unique sections which I never considered to be so important, until I found out how much things are getting easier with them. Here you can also you forum, for conversation with other members or just for asking some question you have. For any help you need, customer service is there for you.
Girls and Videos
There is no really too much to discuss about negative things on this network. Biggest issue I can say is lower quality of older scenes. You need to have in mind the that this network exists for more than a decade, so it is unreal to expect HD for entire content. They were uploading content at the best quality at that time, and that is what matters. Also what can be mention is the fact that not all scenes are exclusive. So practically, there is no such thing about entire network that can change your decision about joining, which is not something I say very often.
Twistys it’s a porn network that never failed my expectation and that is the biggest reason I will always be their member and give my recommendation for all people who are looking for best entertainment network. Based on everything they offer, Twistys are great investment for every porn fan. Since quality and quantity of scenes and pictures, treats, forum and other members benefits deserves highest score, I will give them 98/100, only because of some non exclusive content.
- 2-day trial for $1.99 which will give you just limited access to entire content, without downloading option
- 1-month full membership for $17.99 full access and unlimited downloads
- $9.99/mo for 12 months Twistys membership
or check some more about Twistys on other good review sites!
- deal is: Trial N/A | Month: N/A | Year N/A
- deal is: Trial N/A | Month: N/A | Year N/A
- deal is: Trial $1.00 | Month: $29.99 | Year ($9.95/month)