
Well It’s about

When you first land on this site you are immediately unsure as to what in the world this site is going to be about. Just a bit of investigation turns up the theme of this site though. Seems that a male was wronged by his girlfriend, and to get even he decided to create this site. The name Taylor Bow is part of BangBros and is the name of his ex-girlfriend. Thus as you look at the site it is made quite clear to you that the way that he is going to get even with her is to publish all the videos that they made with each other. Most interesting are the captions that he has placed under each of the videos, a lot of them saying why the video was made and such.

Now, granted this is not exactly reality because if all of this were true, Taylor Bow would have quickly rushed off to her local attorney, and they would have sued to get that stuff off the Internet. However, must confess that it is an interesting setup, and it is enjoyable to think that some guy who got wronged by a cute girl like Taylor Bow could just do this and get away with it. The smile of Taylor Bow is downright precocious with a hint of womanish spice that hints that she is one dirty girl! Will say too that she has some perky tits and a very tight ass.

After all, she is one very hot amateur, every guy should have had a girlfriend like her. Each of the videos makes it extremely clear that one of the things that Taylor Bow lives for is to give blowjobs. Once she gets started, there’s no stopping her, she’s that dedicated to performing the job and performing it well too. She begins gently with soft tender licking that would drive any guy totally nuts, until she then engulfs that now pulsing hard cock deep into her hot wet mouth. Watching her suck is like watching a piano maestro play his instrument to get the best music out of it. Again, the word dedication is definitely the right word there.

How this guy put up with this much dedication to having his dick sucked without blowing into a premature cum is certainly something a lot of guys would like to know, because she sure worked that cock. The way she would look up at him with those adoring eyes would get most of us off immediately, but somehow he persevered. So, eventually, he had to give in to her wiles and he absolutely had to cum. Well, once more she proved to be just the whore she is. She will give Olivier a blowjob at any time, and anywhere at all. That’s one of the things that makes this site so believable it is a real honest “get even” site. The girl is taped, just as she would have in real life, in between classes and such where Olivier would have been able to grab a blowjob.


As a Get Even Site

The deeper you get into the site, the more believable it is. A good part of that is that Taylor Bow herself is not a porn actress. She is pictured as almost being virginal and her fresh face tells the viewer that since she wears no makeup and wears this ultra simple hairstyle. Her body is great, not bodacious like the porn stars, but it is again quite believable. This works on our fantasy so very well, that there are many times you will forget that this actually cannot be happening the way that it is presented. Now, that is one cool thing about this site that you will enjoy very much.

You will find that Taylor and Olivier did not just tape blowjobs, although the scene where she uses pop rocks will absolutely get you going and then some. There are a lot of videos where they fucked of course, and apparently, this couple was really good at making creampies. You will see an awful lot of those coming out of Taylor Bow’s very sweet body. Then too there are times when those blowjobs end up in her getting a facial, and like so many girls she thinks that’s cool and she smiles through it all. Taylor Bow Brought to you by Bang Bros is the network that is bringing you this cool site. Rumor has it that this is the first reality porn ever produced. This is somewhat believable because the videos came out sometime in 2005, and let’s face it a lot of porn has gone under that bridge since!

Bang Bros is a fabulous network, and considering the way that this site is presented with some much quality and of course, the way that it sticks to it being reality leads us to believe that it may well have been a brand new type of porn. Bang Bros has never denied that it was a first, so we’re sticking to that.

Still speaking about the quality, we are happy to report that even though the site was brought to you by Bang Bros, they did not break the fantasy. In other words, they did not put the videos in HD, which would detract from them being filmed by amateurs. Granted there are some changes in the angles that amateurs would not be able to manage, but that’s the only concession to it having been created by Bang Bros. Kudos to them for that!

Joining this Site

You will find that there are 3 separate purchase plans that you can choose from. As often is the case there is a one-day pass available for $1.95. Many people like that so that they can look over the material before going to a monthly membership. Then there is a monthly membership offered, and that will cost $29.95 per month. Then too, if you so desire, you can opt for a yearly membership, and that will end up costing you $9.95 per month.

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